Sofia's Summer Party
here is some more from the collection that I put togheter at
Sofia's Summer Party
here is a part of the collection that I put togheter at! I hop you like it!
allmost preppy
I don't ramember where i found the picutre, but i think it somes fore nastalgy, ( did I spell rhigt?)
Blake Lively
Miley Cyrus
Jessie J
found the picture at
Pretty Woman
Mellow Mayoness is one of my favorite bloger. I lover her style and she is an insperation for me. She wear stuff that other mhigt think is "ot much". And that's what I love about her. I whis I hade her cloeths. She is such a pretty woman. / love Sofia
eriler post: sofi fahrman's blog
Sofi Fahrman
I think i just found i new favorite bloger! Her picures ir just so beautiful. Not just to mention her style of clothing! I wish i had all of her clothes and her camera... haha well yes i think I like her?
it's a beautiful day
or I whis it was. it's all gray outside, no sun just gray... The weather makes me tierd and pretty down, and i dose'nt help that I got much school word. I also have to pack my bag for the weekend, and fix the landery... so I'll take a short break and look at some beautifel pictures and then I get my school word done...
hop you'll have a great day / sofia