Sofia's Summer Party

here is some more from the collection that I put togheter at

Sofia's Summer Party

Sofia's Summer Party
here is a part of the collection that I put togheter at! I hop you like it!

allmost preppy



I don't ramember where i found the picutre, but i think it somes fore nastalgy, ( did I spell rhigt?)


Blake Lively

Den här stilen var lite galen men vi älskar den! Kornblå lysande byxor med en guldfärgad kavaj och klackar med niat, ja tack!
Älska Serenas bohemiska look och slarviga hästsvans!
Serena ser så fantastisk ut och enkelt snygg i sina rosa byxor. Den är lite galen men hon fixar det!
Okej kan vi enas om att den här klänningen är gudomlig!?
Blake strålade som en gudinna i denna skira turkosa klänning! Visste ni att hon även var en av de få skådespelarna som blev nominerade?

Miley Cyrus



Jessie J


found the picture at

Pretty Woman

Mellow Mayoness is one of my favorite bloger. I lover her style and she is an insperation for me. She wear stuff that other mhigt think is "ot much". And that's what I love about her. I whis I hade her cloeths. She is  such a pretty woman. / love Sofia
eriler post: sofi fahrman's blog 

Sofi Fahrman



I think i just found i new favorite bloger! Her picures ir just so beautiful. Not just to mention her style of clothing! I wish i had all of her clothes and her camera... haha well yes i think I like her?

it's a beautiful day

or I whis it was. it's all gray outside, no sun just gray... The weather makes me tierd and pretty down, and i dose'nt help that I got much school word. I also have to pack my bag for the weekend, and fix the landery... so I'll take a short break and look at some beautifel pictures and then I get my school word done...
hop you'll have a great day / sofia
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It's like whishing for rain as I stand in the desert...

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