lovely dress

I were looking through some old pictures in my computer and i fond this one! I to a poto on me wearing the dress so I could sew a similar. Well that never happend so... but I still like tha dress.


found the picture at

Pretty Woman

Mellow Mayoness is one of my favorite bloger. I lover her style and she is an insperation for me. She wear stuff that other mhigt think is "ot much". And that's what I love about her. I whis I hade her cloeths. She is  such a pretty woman. / love Sofia
eriler post: sofi fahrman's blog 

Sofi Fahrman



I think i just found i new favorite bloger! Her picures ir just so beautiful. Not just to mention her style of clothing! I wish i had all of her clothes and her camera... haha well yes i think I like her?

What do clothes mean to you?

What do clothes mean to you?

I think it means different things to us.

For some, it may be just something you wear so you won't be naked.

For others it may be a way to feel pretty, and for some

it is a way to do the opposite to your mum's preference.

To provoke somebody, to express yourself.

But that's just an idea I have.

But what I do know is what clothes mean to me.

For me the things we call clothes is a way of expressing myself

and they can really tell what mood I'm in.

Or maybe you don't see so clearly which mood I'm in, but for me it reflexes my mood.

Well, Clothes are fun! Really fun.

You can combine so many different outfits.

Just have fun with you friends and share a good time.

If you are a creative person or like to be one, you can redo for example your old skirt

that you never wear and make it more fun or just different, make something new of it.

Not only that you are creative, you will get a new piece of cloth without spending a fortune.

Now I am really tried, so I will go to sleep as quickly as I can.  Good night!

Utkast: April 6, 2011

her is some pics on some new stuff that i bought a while ago. ( pleas excuase me, but hte colours at the pics happend to be a bit odd, it doseänt really look like that in real. but waht ever...:P )


Sitting in my room with a headacke bad as h*ll. Trying to find something to wrhite about, wicht seams to be Quite hard. All thouh it feels like my head will explod any secund, I still sit her and trying to, as i sad, find anything at least a bit intresting to post on the blog.  during my search for insperation I lisen to Marhia Cary, witch is not what I usally listen to. My music taste is very variaded, I mostley listen to all kind of music. Rock, soul, R&B, POP.... Yeh, you name it. Some of my favorite songs is;
A drop in the ocean,
Angels on the moon and On your side - Thriving Ivory,
S&M - Rhianna,
Down to Erth and overboard - Justin bieber,
Warwick Avenue - Duffy
Two more lonely people - Miley Cyrus
well, that was just a few of my favorite songs.
Picture: I find it when I was looking for insperation on google.
Exuces me for my spelling misstage!

today's outfit

I will just  be  spending my day at home so... 

it's a beautiful day

or I whis it was. it's all gray outside, no sun just gray... The weather makes me tierd and pretty down, and i dose'nt help that I got much school word. I also have to pack my bag for the weekend, and fix the landery... so I'll take a short break and look at some beautifel pictures and then I get my school word done...
hop you'll have a great day / sofia
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